Post by Lorraine Khang on Jun 5, 2005 6:44:23 GMT -5
ma dRaMa 2!!! pRo mgandA!!!
ToDay we HaVE hIgHeR buiLdingS and wiDeR highWays, but shoRtEr tEmPeRaMentS aNd naRRoWeR poiNts of ViEw...
wE sPend moRe, but enJoy leSs..... wE haVe biggEr housEs, but sMaLLer famiLiEs.... wE haVe moRE knowLedgE, but Less judgemeNt.... wE haVe moRe mediCinE, bUt Less HeaLth....
tHeSe aRe dayS iN wHicH tWo saLariEs gEt hoMe, but divoRces iNcReaSe.
theSe are thE tiMes oF fiNer houSEs, but m0rE bRoken HomEs...
thAt's wHy I pr0p0sE that as fR0m todAy;
You d0 n0t kEEp aNytHing f0r a speciaL occaSSion b'coz evErydaY thAt you Live iS a spEciaL occAsi0n.
Pass moRE timE with your faMiLy, eat Your fAvoRite food, visit thE pLace you Love....
Life is a cHaiN oF moMentS oF enJoymEnt; it isn'T onLy suRvivaL.
"USE" y0uR cRystaLgobLets. Dnot saVE youR bEst peRfuMes, and uSe it eVerYtimE y0u feeL you wAn't it.
taKe out fRom y0ur vocabuLary the phraSe LikE "one of tHis dAy" and "s0meday"
Let's writE thE leTTer we thougHT of Writing "oNE of this dAy's". Let's teLL ouR faMiLiEs anD friEnds h0w much we Love thEm...
tHat's wHY, do n0t deLay aNytHinG aDDing LaughtER and j0y to y0uR LifE.
evEry day, HouR and miNutE aRe speCiaL..
and y0u d0n't kn0w if it wiLL be y0uR Last....
iF Y0u'Re too busy to taKe s0mE minuTes t0 sEnd this meSSaGe to s0mEonE yoU LovE, and yoU teLL yourseLf you wiLL sEnd it "s0mE of thEsE dAys", juSt tHink tHat "s0me of thEse days" cAn be veRy fAr, oR eVen tHat you wiLL not be thErE to sEE it...
autHoR: gEm (jokE) Ricardo Giha Yidi
Post by :.Jessie Han.: on Jun 5, 2005 12:20:40 GMT -5
Two thumbs up! ^__^ More posts!